Security solutions


We secure your assets

At OutScale, we have 4 primary focuses under the category “security solutions”. We do this because it gives us the opportunity to be absolute specialists in these areas and provide you with the right advice and solutions.

Below you can read about some of the options we offer for security solutions with alarm, video surveillance, access control and fog protection. These areas have been specially selected because our experience tells us that with just these or a combination of them, you get a security solution that can cover all needs and wishes.

Alarm (AIA)

We specialize in alarm systems that protect you and your business. We specialize in creating complex systems that combine many security solutions into a single solution. For us, it’s important to uncover all your needs and deliver a tailored solution that’s easy to use. We supply alarm systems in all sizes and security classes.

For us, it is important that an alarm system is modular and thus flexible, which makes it possible to expand the system with e.g. access control, video surveillance, etc. in a solution where everything works together.


Video surveillance

Video surveillance, CCTV, TVO or just TV surveillance, there are many names that describe the same general principle and it is increasingly used not only in Danish companies, but also in private homes.

We have extensive experience with video surveillance systems, both large and small. We place high demands on both usability and functionality, which is reflected in our video surveillance solutions. We specialize in making integrable systems, so it is possible to add video analytics such as video analytics. license plate recognition, facial recognition and heat mapping, or other integrated solutions, either from the start or as an extension to the system afterwards.

Among other things, we use Milestone’s Xprotect solution as a VMS (Video Management System). The system is based on an open platform approach, which gives us endless possibilities to deliver a tailor-made solution for your specific needs.


Access Control (ADK)

With an access control system, you can easily manage access rights for all your employees, customers or suppliers. Unlike a traditional physical key solution, an access control system is very flexible and easy to manage. We can provide a wide range of access control solutions, from simple solutions for easy administration to large complex solutions with anti-passback, locks, access rings or access via license plate recognition.

All of our access control solutions are highly reliable and extremely flexible, so we can create a tailored solution that will last for years to come


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Event security

In addition to the traditional security areas such as TV surveillance, access control and burglar alarms, we also provide parts of the security solutions for a number of selected partners in the event industry.

One of these is ‘Vorbasse Grundejerforening’, which every year organizes the large Vorbasse Market, which invites you to a flea market and party in the small town of Vorbasse, south of Billund.

Fog protection

Fog proofing is a highly effective way to secure your assets. One or more fog cannons are connected to your alarm system and in the event of a break-in, the fog cannons are triggered, filling the room with a dense fog in a matter of seconds. The fog makes it virtually impossible to see anything in the room, and when you add a strobe light and a loud siren, it’s impossible to get your bearings.

Fog protection is an incredibly effective means of securing your valuables once the thief has entered. Fog protection acts as one of the innermost layers of security in your overall security solution and does so effectively, as it is virtually impossible for a thief to steal anything when the room is filled with fog. The fluid that the fog is generated from is tested by the Danish Technological Institute and is harmless to humans, animals, electronics, furniture, etc.